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How to Stay Safe: Online Dating

Stay Safe Online Dating

Tips for Staying Safe when Online Dating

Online dating has opened up a world of possibilities, making it easier than ever to connect with people from all walks of life. While meeting someone new can be an exciting prospect, it’s essential to prioritise your safety, particularly when taking the conversation offline and arranging to meet in person.

Here are some tips for staying safe and enjoying a worry-free date.

What Is a Licensed Venue?

Licensed venues are establishments like pubs, bars, restaurants, and cafes that hold official licences to operate and serve alcohol. These venues are subject to regulations and oversight, ensuring they meet specific safety and operational standards. This makes them an ideal setting for meeting someone new.

Furthermore, venues which have undertaken the Licensing SAVI accreditation have demonstrated a higher level of commitment to safety and security on their premises and have done what they can to ensure you are safer when visiting. You can recognise these venues by their star-rating stickers, or find them on our interactive Find a Venue map.

Why Choose a Licensed Venue for Your First Date?

  1. Neutral and Public Setting: Meeting in a licensed venue ensures you’re in a public, well-lit, and monitored environment. This reduces the risks associated with meeting someone in a private or unfamiliar location.
  2. Staff Presence: Licensed venues typically have trained staff who are accustomed to handling various situations discreetly. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you can approach a staff member for assistance.
  3. Safety Regulations: These venues are required to adhere to strict safety regulations, including fire safety, crowd control, and responsible alcohol service. This means you’re in an environment that’s designed with public safety in mind.
  4. Easy to Exit: If your date isn’t going as planned, a licensed venue allows for an easy exit. You can leave at any time without feeling trapped or isolated. Many venues utilise vulnerable patron schemes such as Ask for Angela, which can be used for support in leaving a venue.

Tips for a Safe First Meeting

  1. Tell Someone Your Plans: Share details of your date, including the name and a picture of your date, the venue, and the expected time of return, with a trusted friend or family member.
  2. Arrive Independently: Always arrange your own transportation to and from the venue. This ensures you’re in control of your movements and can leave whenever you need to.
  3. Stay Sober and Alert: While a drink or two might help ease first-date nerves, it’s essential to stay in control and alert. If you choose to drink, do so responsibly and never leave your drink unattended.
  4. Keep Personal Information Private: Avoid sharing sensitive personal information, such as your home address or financial details, during the initial meetings.
  5. Use Your Instincts: Trust your gut feelings. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to excuse yourself and leave. Your safety always comes first.

How Licensed Venues Can Help

Many licensed venues take additional steps to support customer safety, such as participating in initiatives like ‘Ask for Angela’. This campaign allows individuals to discreetly signal staff if they feel unsafe or threatened by simply asking for ‘Angela’. The staff are trained to provide assistance and ensure the person’s safety without causing a scene.

Watch this video for further information on how Ask for Angela works.

Safer Socialising

Online dating can lead to meaningful connections, but it’s important to approach it with caution and preparedness. Meeting at a licensed venue provides a secure and comfortable environment where you can focus on getting to know your date without unnecessary worry. Remember, taking small steps to safeguard yourself can make all the difference in turning a first meeting into a positive experience. By making smart choices and prioritising your safety, you can enjoy the journey of online dating with confidence.