Spring Cleaning: Tips to Refresh and Enhance Safety in Your Venue

We’ve dusted off the winter blues, the days are getting longer, and spring is finally in the air.
It’s the perfect time to freshen up and rejuvenate staff and patron safety in your venue.
Recent staff changes: Have any new staff joined your team that require training on your safety polices? Or perhaps it’s time for a refresher for current staff to remind them of the role they play to ensure safety within your venue.
Reboot anti spiking: Re-emphasis and encourage staff that they play an important role in preventing spiking. They can monitor unattended drinks and provide support to anyone feeling dizzy, disorientated or showing signs of intoxication. Check out our free LSAVI spiking posters
Review staff visibility: Consider having your staff wear branded uniforms or badges so customers, especially vulnerable ones, can quickly identify staff members if they need to ask for help. Please make sure staff know how to respond.
Revisit and update policies and risk assessments: It’s always a great idea to reevaluate your venue policies and dust off your risk assessments to check everything is up to date and your house is in order.
Revamps and refurbishments: If you’ve recently had work done or completed a refurbishment, such as a new layout of the bar, or the addition of a DJ booth, re-evaluate your risk assessment to reflect the new changes in your venue.
Reconfigured spaces: You may have repurposed an area, perhaps changing an outside patio to include a BBQ and seating, or you’ve created a private section for functions and events. Re think your policies and risk assessment to incorporate these changes.
Re-examine your CCTV: Now could be a good time to recheck your CCTV to ensure everything is working and functioning smoothly, do check for blind spots and make sure you are able to download footage without problems.
Regroup on all your alarms: It’s a good excuse to brush up and check all alarms in your venue are working, consider getting your security alarms checked and make sure all your fire alarms are fully operational.
Re-assess hazards: Consider the layout of your venue and if there are any areas that need a declutter. For example, any chairs and tables causing an obstruction to a fire exit or furniture blocking the route to the bathrooms. Remove any obstacles and keep areas clear to prevent accidents and improve customer flow.
Further information around employee and customer protection and vulnerability is available within the Licensing SAVI assessment.
Read more …Spring Cleaning: Tips to Refresh and Enhance Safety in Your Venue